Feb. 12, 1955: A $500,000 bond issue for expansion of Gregg Memorial Hospital passed in an 8-to-1 landslide. While support was overwhelming in Longview, voters in Kilgore and Gladewater were strongly opposed. Smaller majorities in Liberty City and White Oak also voted against the plan.
Feb. 12, 1955: Plans for construction of a 10-story, $2.5 million Petroleum Building at Green and Whaley streets was announced by oilman and builder Earl Hollandsworth. Its parking structure would be connected to the five-story Downtown Auto Park directly west.
Feb. 12, 1964: A resolution commending LeTourneau College and reaffirming support for the institution was passed unanimously by the industrial committee of the Longview Chamber of Commerce. Members cited the importance of the college to the city’s industrial development program.
Feb. 12, 1969: The City Commission unanimously approved a plan to seek guidance toward a bond issue to finance a Civic Center. Commissioner John C. Murphy said there was growing interest in the project, and it was pointed out residents recently approved $8.2 million in bonds for construction of Lake Cherokee No. 2.
Feb. 12, 1974: Plans were being laid by the transportation committee of the Longview Chamber of Commerce for a welcome ceremony for the first Amtrak train to arrive in Longview. It was announced today the train would arrive early on March 14.