An open seat signified where Andy Khoury once sat on the Longview Historic Preservation Commission, but his contribution to planning the city’s sesquicentennial time capsule was sealed Tuesday.
Khoury, a Longview attorney who served on the commission, died Aug. 24 while vacationing in Maine.
During a subcommittee meeting Tuesday for the Longview 150 time capsule, the commission continued plans for the historical cache that will be buried May 8, 2020, outside Longview Public Library to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the founding of Longview.
During the meeting, commission member Mike Smith brought up the idea of commemorating Khoury for his contribution to planning the time capsule, which already has been ordered by the city.
Commission Chairman Jim Cogar followed, “I’d like to put something on the time capsule when we’re going to engrave on there to dedicate to him or, ‘In memoriam of.’”
Other commissioners agreed to engrave Khoury’s name on the time capsule, which will remain buried for 100 years.
“Let’s make sure Andy’s name is on there,” Cogar said.
The capsule is 5 cubic feet measuring 36 inches by 24 inches by 11 inches and is designed to preserve its contents, commission members have said.
Members are sending a letter to local businesses and other entities who are “Longview centric and have been here for at least 10 years,” Cogar said. The letters ask for donations of items to be placed inside the capsule, such as restaurant menus, biographies, photos or advertising.
“If we go just the 10 years,” Cogar said, “we’re going to ruffle some feathers, no doubt.”
Smith answered, “I feel like there are going to be some ruffled, no matter what.”
“Probably so,” Cogar said, “but let’s minimize the ruffling.”
The Longview Chamber of Commerce has provided the city with its list of longstanding local businesses, and Cogar has reached out to the Longview Metro Chamber of Commerce to ensure that minority-owned businesses aren’t left out, he said.
Donations are to be brought to the city’s Planning and Zoning Department at 410 S. High St. weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The deadline is March 1.
“Please keep in mind that we would like for you to donate the item in preserved manner so that we can put them in the time capsule. Things like staples, paper clips and rubber bands can erode over time and leave residue on other contents,” according to the letter.
For questions, contact Angela Choy at .