March 2, 1934: The heaviest rain of the winter season ushered in March. Official tallies put the rainfall for the previous 24 hours at 3.75 inches, and for the past 36 hours at 4.28 inches. The deluge flooded streets and opened a new ditch along a stream that crossed Green Street near the Missouri Pacific underpass, flooding out cars nearby.
March 2, 1935: The Nugget Hill Beer Garden and Artesian Beer Garden were closed on order of District Attorney Claude A. Williams. The complaints alleged both establishments had illegally been selling “spirituous and intoxicating liquors,” and restraining orders were issued by Judge Hurst of 124th District Court.March 2, 1952: The new $700,000 First Methodist Church building was officially opened with two overflow services and an open house. Also, the president of Southwestern University announced his institution would confer the degree of doctor of divinity on First Methodist pastor the Rev. W. R. Swain.
March 2, 1965: Voters went to the polls in record numbers to give 11-to-1 approval to a $6.66 million bond issue for improvements in water, sewer and street facilities. Election officials said it was the biggest margin of victory ever given a bond issue in Longview and East Texas.