Feb. 2, 1940: No interruption in mail service was foreseen as the post office moved over the weekend from temporary quarters to the new $235,000 building at Fredonia and Methvin streets. Residents would begin receiving their mail Monday at the new building, which was completed in the previous week.
Feb. 2, 1949: A pair of major real estate transactions were announced: First Baptist Church was acquiring three properties across South Fredonia Street from its present buildings as the site for its new $700,000 auditorium. The Longview Masons Lodge traded its building at 116 E. Cotton St. for a site for its $125,000 temple on North Center Street.
Feb. 2, 1967: Preliminary school census totals showed Longview ISD would reach about 10,000 students for the 1967 school year. That was an increase about 200 from 1966, about average for the past five years.