Jan. 28, 1933: Facing a “ringing indictment” by state’s attorneys of the tendency among officers to be “judge, jury and executioner’ when making arrests, Texas Ranger Buck Flournoy was found guilty of aggravated assault in a case arising out of the death of a suspect. Flournoy was sentenced to 60 days.
Jan. 28, 1957: Plans were announced for establishment of First State Bank of Longview. J. Clyde Tomlinson, independent oil operator, was chairman. Norman P. Taylor, formerly of Carthage and current vice president of Midland National Bank, was selected as president.
Jan. 28, 1957: The Mother’s March on Polio was one of the most successful in the city’s history when several hundred mothers and PTA members combed neighborhoods to receive funds for the March of Dimes. The final tally was not in, but the $6,000 goal was said to be “near at hand.”
Jan. 28, 1962: A group of 70 East Texas industrial and business leaders departed Longview by train for a seven-day “industrial prospecting” tour of five large Midwestern cities. The delegation visited St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland and Indianapolis.Jan. 28, 1993: After death threats received by practitioners in Gregg County’s 307th District Court and shooting sprees in Tarrant and Dallas county courtrooms, Gregg County commissioners issued an emergency order to add a walk-through metal detector for the courtroom of Judge Robin Sage.