In 1873, state Rep. Bluford Washington Brown, of Summerfield Community north of Longview, introduced a bill to create a new county from parts of Upshur, Rusk and Harrison counties.
Almost a century ago, some folks figured G.A. Bodenheim might as well be appointed mayor of Longview for life.
Did you know we came that close to being called Roanoke County? It’s true. The 1873 state Legislature — mostly composed of carpetbaggers and pro-Unionists — was all set to name the newly proposed East Texas county “Roanoke.”
Flamboyant but frank. A super salesman who used his talents to sell his city on progress.
A 15-year resident of Longview, Thomas Mitchell Campbell, was the second native Texan to become governor of the state.
The future Texas Gov. James S. Hogg founded the Longview News in the fall of 1871.
From Staff Reports
Boldface type nearly 3 inches high told the story Jan. 26, 1931, when the Lathrop No. 1 discovery well blew in.
From Staff Reports
Editor’s note: This is adapted from a history provided for the Longview Morning Journal during the city’s centennial in 1970 by Mrs. John Harrison, who then lived in the historic Rembert family home and whose husband was the nephew of Mrs. Frank Taylor Rembert.Frank Taylor Rembert was born Nov. 9, 1853, in Wesson, Copiah County, Mississippi.