Feb. 16, 1931: Reports said the Arkansas Fuel Oil Co. had authorized plans for construction of a pipeline, probably from Longview, at an estimated cost of $1 million. Information was that the line would move production from the Lathrop field and other points in that area.
Feb. 16, 1943: Plans were announced for the Victory Book campaign to set up centers to collect and ship books to soldiers, sailors and marines. Representatives from “every organization” in the city were involved. The campaign motto was, “Any book you want to keep is the book to give.”
Feb. 16, 1952: Mrs. Lola S. Park filed for a seat on the city commission, with the city secretary saying it was the first time a woman had launched a city campaign. Park, wife of a chiropodist, said she decided to run because women should take more part in public affairs.
Feb. 16, 1965: Nearly $6 million was budgeted for expansion and improvement of electric service in East Texas, Southwestern Electric Power Co. said. Much of the expansion would be in the Longview area as the utility worked to meet needs for industrial expansion.
Feb. 16, 1974: The M.W. Kellogg Co. of Houston confirmed it was designing and building a hydrocarbon cracking complex at Texas Eastman Co. The facility was the third to be designed and engineered by Kellogg for Texas Eastman. The previous two were put onstream in 1965 and 1970.