March 10, 1937: U.S. first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and her party ate lunch in Longview en route to Shreveport from Fort Worth. She was scheduled to speak that afternoon and evening on “A Day in the White House.” Lunch was salads, sandwiches and coffee served in the back seat of Shreveport Mayor Sam A. Caldwell’s Lincoln V-12.
March 10, 1970: Longview Centennial souvenir plates went on sale. Gerry and Lee Jones of Longview were producing the 10-inch antique blue-and-white plates showing six historical scenes of Longview. The scenes were selected by Dr. W.D. Northcutt III and drawn by Brad Borders.
March 10, 2014: Johnny Cace’s Seafood & Steakhouse celebrated its 65th anniversary with a private party for members of the multigeneration ownership family and employees. The iconic restaurant started downtown before moving to its final location on East Marshall Avenue.