Feb. 4, 1965: After several weeks of site preparation and foundation construction, the first of 2,000 tons of steel destined for the $15 million Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. plant was erected. About 125 were employed on the site, with a peak of 600 expected in September.
Feb. 4, 1992: Longview City Council should regulate the city’s cable rates, according to a vote of the Longview Cable Television Citizens Commission. The commission should begin rate discussions with Longview Cable Television Co. on behalf of the council, it said.
Feb. 4, 2002: A new 403 area code was announced for 30 counties that had long been part of the 903 area code service area. “It’s a reflection of some very positive growth,” Rogers Pope Jr., chairman of the Longview Partnership, said.
Feb. 4, 2009: Longview Mayor Jay Dean and Tyler Mayor Barbara Bass convened a joint meeting of city officials to discuss ideas for new regional programs, services and cooperation between the two cities. The Tyler meeting was the first such gathering in nearly five years.