Feb. 5, 1956: Men’s Sunday School classes from across the city and area converged on First United Methodist Church for a lesson taught by Texas Secretary of State Tom Reavley. A thousand or more were expected for what was hoped to the be the largest gathering for a Sunday School class in Longview history.
Feb. 5, 1961: A barefoot bandit carrying a shotgun struck for a second time, this time on Gaylon Barber Service Station on South Green Street, getting away with $198 in cash. Police said it may have been the same bandit who robbed the Site Service Station three days earlier in Greggton.
Feb. 5, 2002: For the first time in recent memory, Eastman Chemical Co. employees were told they wouldn’t be receiving annual performance plan bonuses after posting big losses. The annual spring bonuses dated to the company’s predecessor, Eastman Kodak.